Friday, June 16, 2006

Digital Media and the Home Entertainment Space

Today I attended a very good panel at FountainBlue's Connections Event (see on "Emerging Technologies: What's Hot and What's Not".

The panelist that discussed the "Home Entertainment Technology Space" had some very interesting slides (see that pointed at the features for products for the Digital Home, and where things are heading. Unfortunately, he was using the wrong terms as he proclaimed that "interactive TV" is going to replace digital TV in the future. I believe he really meant "Personalized TV", where the viewing public may have focused commercials mixed for their home delivery that could be different from your neighbor's, or being able to select viewing angle in specially equipped sports arenas.

From 1992 to 1995, I produced a newsletter for the multimedia developer called "The QuickTime Forum" and later called "Converge-The Multimedia Developer's Resource". As editor-in-chief, I recruited industry leaders to write for the print publication as well as writing quite a bit of it myself. Much of what was stated then is still very much the case today, as was brought to my attention by this current researcher. For example, the real issue behind interactivity is the enormous incremental costs associated with the content creation. This is the driving force behind the out of line development costs we are now seeing in the MMORPG space.

I am going to republish some of this material through this Blog. Please give me your opinions and comments.

Thank you,
Harrison Rose

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